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Is NNCPAP the right fit for you?
The National Network of Child Psychiatry Access Programs (NNCPAP) is a member organization for those administering Pediatric Mental Health Access Programs/Child Psychiatry Access Programs.
Great! You are in the right place. Please complete the member form and the network will reach out to you.
NNCPAP does not provide direct service to patients or providers. To access provider or patient resources please reference the Network Map to find a program that offers services in your area.
Our network is rapidly growing, please complete the member form and indicate existing CPAP involvement.
Feel free to reach out to nncpapmail@gmail.com to communicate directly with our team.
Membership Benefits
Online Platform
Join conversations between states, collaborate with peers, and stay informed on upcoming events and national resources.
Monthly National Meetings
Meet with fellow CPAP leaders on the fourth Monday of the month at 4:00 PM/EST over Zoom to discuss national updates and share best practices.
Access to NNCPAP Resources
Gain access to national network contacts, previous meetings/resources, and interact with the community.
Member Form
Fill out the below form and you will be contacted in 3-4 business days.