
Maine Pediatric and Behavioral Health Partnership (MPBHP)

The Mission of the Maine Pediatric and Behavioral Health Partnership (MPBHP) is to educate, support and empower pediatric care providers through training and ongoing web-based and telephonic patient care consultations with behavioral health providers.

The vision of the Maine Pediatric and Behavioral Health Partnership (MPBHP) is to foster enhanced children’s behavioral health throughout Maine, especially in rural and medically underserved areas.

  • Increase timely detection, assessment, treatment, and referral of children and adolescents with behavioral health disorders in pediatric care settings

  • Improve access to behavioral healthcare for children and adolescents, especially in rural and underserved areas

  • Increase knowledge of pediatric behavioral health through continuing education/ training and resources for healthcare providers

  • Increase access to resources for families and communities

  • Sustain strategies and interventions that are effective in improving practice

Telephone Consultation (1-833-672-4711)

Additional Access Program

  • The Consultation Project

Last Update: November 25, 2024

Services Offered

Patient Care Coordination/Resources and Referral Services

Educational Offerings: Monthly Webinars and ECHO Learning Series


Primary Contact: Shelley Illingworth


Contact Information

Year started: 2021

HRSA Awardee: Yes

Does the program provide state-wide coverage?  We are starting with the focus areas on 7 counties then will expand. However we will not turn providers away who are asking for services.

Funding: HRSA and state

Additional Information