
Nebraska Partnership For Mental Healthcare Access In Pediatrics (NEP-MAP)

NEP-MAP collaborates to develop, advise, and advocate for programs that advance the mental health of Nebraska children 0-21 years old. NEP-MAP supports professionals in pediatric, emergency department, and school settings by...

  • Increasing access and availability of pediatric mental health consultation teams so professionals can provide children the care they need.

  • Conducting trainings and offering technical assistance.

  • Promoting care coordination support services to promote early identification, diagnosis, and treatment of behavioral health conditions.

  • Improving access to treatment and referral services for children and adolescents with identified behavioral health conditions.

Telephone Consultation

Last Update: July 18, 2024

Services Offered

Patient Care Coordination/Resources and Referral Services


Contact Information

Year started: 2018

HRSA Awardee: Yes

Does the program provide state-wide coverage?  Yes

Funding: HRSA

Additional Information